Alcoa Workers to Hold Assembly Amid Uncertainty Over San Cibrao Factory Sale

Alcoa Workers to Hold Assembly Amid Uncertainty Over San Cibrao Factory Sale

This Tuesday, June 18, at 12 noon, workers at Alcoa’s San Cibrao factory will gather for an assembly organized by the works council. The meeting, as usual, will be held in the canteen of the industrial complex to discuss the ongoing situation at the factory.

The assembly follows a recent meeting in Madrid at the Ministry of Industry headquarters, which included representatives from Alcoa, the government, the Xunta, and various unions. During this meeting, Alcoa revealed that it had received six non-binding and weak offers for the purchase of the San Cibrao factory. The company does not consider these offers serious and has extended the deadline to July for interested parties to submit binding offers.

Alcoa’s announcement has created confusion among unions and workers. While the company is considering selling or retaining the factory, it previously stated that it would no longer invest in San Cibrao, citing exhausted funds. This mixed messaging has led to uncertainty and frustration among the workforce.

Central parties have expressed support for mobilizing, although any action may be influenced by the agreements already in place between the parties involved. icon

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