Indonesia’s Copper Industry Boost: PT Smelting Gresik Expansion Inaugurated by President Jokowi

Indonesia’s Copper Industry Boost: PT Smelting Gresik Expansion Inaugurated by President Jokowi

Strategic Expansion in East Java

President Joko Widodo has inaugurated the expansion of PT Smelting Gresik in Gresik Regency, East Java, marking a significant step in Indonesia’s copper industry. This expansion is expected to substantially increase the country’s copper downstreaming capacity.

Projected Increase in Copper Production

Currently, Indonesia produces 1.3 million tons of copper cathodes and anodes annually. With the expansion of the Gresik smelter, an additional 1.7 million tons are anticipated, potentially bringing the annual production to 3 million tons. This move is not only a leap in production capacity but also a strategic endeavor to keep the added value of copper within Indonesia.

Emergence of New Industries

The President emphasized the potential for new industries, highlighting developments in copper foil and other derivative industries. He envisioned that optimized copper downstreaming would attract more entities to establish copper-related industries in Indonesia.

Beyond Copper: A Holistic Downstreaming Approach

President Jokowi also pointed out that Indonesia’s focus isn’t limited to copper. The country aims to maximize the downstreaming of other minerals like nickel, bauxite, and tin. This approach aligns with the broader goal of enhancing value addition within the country across various sectors, including agriculture and fisheries.

Transitioning from Raw Exports to Value-Added Goods

The President underscored the importance of moving away from exporting raw materials. The strategy is to shift towards exporting semi-finished or finished goods, thereby retaining more value and creating employment opportunities within Indonesia. icon

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