Neometals Commences Final Electrolysis Stage of ELi Process Pilot Trials

Neometals Commences Final Electrolysis Stage of ELi Process Pilot Trials

Neometals, a developer of sustainable process technology, has begun the final electrolysis stage of its pilot test work program for the ELi Process at NESi, the testing facility of electrolyser vendor NORAM in Canada. This stage will involve electrolysing a purified lithium chloride solution from a South American brine source to produce lithium hydroxide as the primary product.

The long-duration component of the trial, lasting 1000 hours, aims to provide data on power consumption, membrane life, and product quality. This data will support ongoing technology licensing activities.

The ELi Process, being commercialised by Reed Advanced Materials Pty Ltd (RAM)—a joint venture between Neometals and Mineral Resources —uses electricity to convert lithium chloride solutions into lithium hydroxide monohydrate in a conventional chlor-alkali cell. This method replaces the large volumes of reagents required in the industry-standard chemical precipitation flowsheet, potentially delivering significant reductions in operating costs. icon

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