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UK’s Dependence on China for Critical Minerals Raises Concerns Among MPs

December 15, 2023

Vulnerability in Mineral Supplies

A report from the UK's parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committee has highlighted Britain's vulnerability in securing critical minerals, such as cobalt and lithium, essential for various industries including electric vehicle batteries and wind turbines. MPs have expressed concern over the dominance of Chinese firms in these sectors, potentially leaving the UK susceptible to export restrictions for political leverage.

Government's Lack of Strategic Planning

The report criticized successive UK governments for not adequately recognizing the strategic importance of these minerals and failing to secure sufficient access. This oversight has resulted in the UK starting from a disadvantage compared to allies who have been preparing for years.

Strategic Importance of Critical Minerals

Alicia Kearns, Tory MP and chair of the committee, emphasized the crucial role of critical minerals in modern technologies, the green transition, and national defense. She pointed out the UK's growing reliance on these minerals and the vulnerability it creates, particularly in the context of global resource competition.

China's Dominant Role

Kearns noted that China has strategically positioned itself at the center of the critical minerals supply chain, controlling the majority of the world's refining capacity. This dominance creates a significant weakness for the UK, as China's potential to restrict access could have far-reaching consequences.

Call for Coherent Plan and Urgency

The committee urged ministers to develop a coherent plan to ensure supply chain resilience for these key materials. Without such a plan, the UK risks losing important industrial sectors, including the automotive industry. The Critical Minerals Strategy, published in March, was critiqued for its lack of urgency and comprehensive detail.

Geopolitical Over Geological Issues

Kearns highlighted that the issue of critical mineral supply is more geopolitical than geological. The scale of the challenge is immense, but the need for immediate action is crucial.

Recommendations for Government Action

The report calls for the UK Government to set specific targets for priority industrial sectors and provide detailed implementation plans to address these challenges.

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