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Moscow Exchange Introduces New Futures for Copper, Aluminium, Nickel, and Zinc

October 7, 2024

Starting October 8, the Moscow Exchange will begin trading new futures contracts for copper, aluminium, nickel, and zinc. These contracts will have a quarterly circulation term, aligning copper and nickel futures with the existing quarterly terms for aluminium and zinc, which previously had one-month terms.

The new contracts will feature lots that are 10 times smaller than the current ones, making them more accessible by reducing both the cost of futures and the required margin for opening positions. Additionally, the price step for copper futures will double to one ruble.

The trading codes for the new contracts will be updated as follows: copper (COPPER, short code - CE), aluminium (ALUM, short code - AN), nickel (NICKEL, short code - NC), and zinc (ZINC, short code - ZC).

According to the Moscow Exchange, the smaller lot sizes and the resulting lower value of these non-ferrous and industrial metal futures will increase their accessibility to a wider range of investors, including individuals. This will allow more participants to engage in price movements of metals that are highly relevant in global markets.

Existing futures on non-ferrous and industrial metals will continue to be traded until their terms expire, but no new series of those contracts will be added.

Currently, the Moscow Exchange offers over 90 options and more than 150 futures contracts on a wide variety of assets, including stock indices, currencies, metals, oil, gas, and other commodities.

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